Soyeon Gim

A ceramicist
based in Seoul, Korea.  ︎

Archive of Forms
     no.   1 - 30
     no. 31 - 60
     no. 61 - 90
     no. 91 - 120
     no. 121 - 147 

Round Scenery

Past Works
    Tableware (2016)
    Tableware (2017)   
    Shape of Things
    2019 Degree Show

      2015 - 2018

KR ︎

2019 Degree Show

Landscape  / 2019
Mixed clay, Oxidation firing

Enthusiastic Asymmetric  / 2019
Mixed clay, Oxidation firing

Two Drawings  / 2019
Mixed clay, Oxidation firing


Shape of Things  / 2018, 2019
Mixed clay, Oxidation firing

the Scenery / 2019
Mixed clay, Oxidation firing

These are works from the exhibition for the graduation of bachelor's degree in 2019. The main keyword I worked on at this time was personal identity,  which began with the idea of whether individual identities exist through time and space, and what shapes and characteristics they have.

It was difficult to sublimate rather abstract concepts and worries into materials. However, the process of converting original drawings that reflect various thoughts and concerns into three-dimensional shapes and again converting the three-dimensional objects into drawing was able to produce more specific and tendency work. Furthermore, the tightness and inevitability of the two could be examined through the working process between the planes and the three dimensions.

© Copyright Soyeon Gim 2022 - 2024